
Bay of Quinte

Here for Bay of Quinte

Amanda Robertson is one of us. She chose Belleville as her home to raise her three children with her husband, a local family doctor. Amanda’s roots run deep in the community, shaped by hard work, responsibility, and honesty. As Vice Chair of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, Treasurer for the John Howard Society of Belleville, and a coach with the Belleville Spirits Boys Basketball organization, Amanda is always finding ways to give back to the community she loves.

Amanda is running because she believes Bay of Quinte deserves better. She’s tired of seeing our community come second to insiders and lobbyists. She knows what it takes to fight for our local schools, our healthcare, and our housing because she’s lived the challenges herself. Amanda will bring a fighter’s spirit to Queen’s Park—someone who’s ready to stand up to the politicians who’ve taken our community for granted for too long.

With Amanda, you’ll have a voice who cares about the same things you do. She’ll be on the ground, listening to our stories, advocating for our needs, and making sure the people of Bay of Quinte are heard. This by-election is our chance to choose someone who’s truly one of us—someone who’s in it to make life better for all of us.

Bay of Quinte is ready for change. It's time for better, and it starts with electing Amanda Robertson on Thursday, September 19.
